Saturday 26 December 2015

How to make website using notepad++..?????

Using Notepad++

For Windows users, Notepad++ will probably be one of the most important software applications used especially for web development. It is fundamentally the built-in Notepad program, but with a number of functional enhancements and new features specifically designed for the programmer in mind. Here we will provide a walkthrough that outlines the basic features of Notepad++, while simultaneously going through the process of creating a very basic HTML file that you will later use. The process of creating a CSS can be applied in a similar fashion.
If you're using a Mac or a Linux operating system, you may skip this section. However, make sure that you are familiar with the text editor that you will be using.
Let's first start by launching Notepad++. Execute Notepad++ by double-clicking on the program with an icon that looks like this:
Notepad++ Icon
You should now see the Notepad++ main window.
Notepad++ Window
Just by looking at the main window, one can observe that Notepad++ is an interesting program. By default, line numbers are specified along the left-hand side of the document. A toolbar specifying commonly used commands is located near the top of the Notepad++ window. What's even more intriguing is the use of tabs to keep track of the documents open in Notepad++. Both of these things will be covered in greater detail.


As mentioned, commonly used commands are available as shortcut buttons on the Notepad++ toolbar. (If you prefer, these commands can also be found within the menus of Notepad++.) By simply knowing what these toolbar buttons do, you should be well on your way to creating and modifying files using Notepad++. We will point out the ones that you should definitely know.
Notepad++ Toolbar
  1. New New - Creates a new file (in a new tab).
  2. Open Open... - Opens an existing file that you specify (in a new tab).
  3. Save Save - Saves the currently active file to the location you specified (if not specified, it will prompt you to specify one).
  4. Save All Save All - Saves all opened files within the window to the locations you specified (if a location has not been specified, it will prompt you to specify).
  5. Close Close - Closes the currently active file.
  6. Close All Close All - Closes all opened files within the window.
  7. Print Now Print Now - Prints the currently active file using default printer settings.
  8. Cut Cut - Removes the selected text specified and posts it to the clipboard.
  9. Copy Copy - Copies the selected text specified to the clipboard.
  10. Paste Paste - Applies the contents posted on the clipboard to the current position of the file.
  11. Undo Undo - Undoes the last modification done to the currently active file.
  12. Redo Redo - Undoes the Undo done to the currently active file.
  13. Find Find... - Attempts to find the text specified in the file.
  14. Replace Replace... - Attempts to find the text specified in the file and replace it with other text.
  15. Word Wrap Word Wrap - Enables/disables whether lines should wrap to the next line should it reach the end of the window.
  16. Spell-Checker Spell-Checker... - Finds and suggests corrections to potentially misspelled words.
Knowing these specific toolbar buttons and what they do will be enough to help you make your way around Notepad++ quickly and efficiently as far as web development is concerned. Remember, the toolbar is your friend! You can also learn and remember the shortcut key combinations to these commands as well.

Tabbed layout

Multiple documents may be open under one Notepad++ window. At least one tab must exist, otherwise no specific file can be actively shown. Tabs are created when new files are created or if existing files are opened.
Notepad++ Tabs
The currently active tab points to the file that is currently active and in view. Here, the unsaved tab "new 2" is currently active and shows the contents of this particular file.
To close a specific tab:
  1. Select the tab to make it active.
  2. Either press Close, or press the Close button located at the top-right of the window to close the tab and the file.

Creating an HTML file

We will begin applying the features of Notepad++ by creating a simple "Hello World" HTML file.
  1. Start by creating a new, unsaved file. This can be done by pressing New New, or using the CTRL+N keyboard combination. You should see be in a new tab with nothing in the work area whatsover.
    Notepad++ New Document
  2. Type the following HTML code into the work area.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    Hello World!
    HTML files contain a start and an end tag that respectively describes the beginning and end of the HTML file. HTML files also utilize the <head> tag to disclose a web page's important heading information such as its title, and the<body> tag to contain all of the mainly visible content in a web page. For the goal of simplicity, we will omit these tags in this example. HTML tags will be covered with greater detail in Tutorial 2.
  3. The window should now look like this:
    Notepad++ Hello World
  4. Now, it's time to save the file. Press Save Save, or use the CTRL+S keyboard combination. A "Save As" dialog box should appear.
    Notepad++ Save As
  5. Here, specify where you would like to save this file. In this example, the Desktop will be used. Name the file "hello" (without the quotes) and change the "Save as type:" drop-down selection to HyperText Markup Language File (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml, *.shtm, *.xhtml), as depicted in the above screenshot. Selecting this particular type will append a ".html" to the end of the file name by default; this is called a file extension. Press the Save button to save the file. Once saved, the tab's display will change to reflect the new file name.
    Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting
One observation that you will note when the file is saved is the new highlighting of syntax in different colors. This syntax highlighting is determined by the format of the file. Since this file carries the .html file extension, HTML syntax highlighting will become visible. The same goes for CSS files; if a file is saved with the .css file extension, CSS syntax highlighting will be applied.
If hello.html or another file was closed for some reason and that file needs to be edited, you will have to re-open it. In Notepad++, this can be done using Open Open, or by pressing the CTRL+O keyboard combination.

Using Firefox

Firefox is a great web browser that will mainly be used to show how HTML and CSS affects the overall formatting and content of a web document. A secure and simple browser to use, Firefox adheres to strict web standards to ensure that pages are shown naturally and correctly. Firefox is used by many users regularly; if you are familiar with Firefox, feel free to skip this section. If you're new to Firefox, we'll provide what you need to know in order to get started.
To launch Firefox, double-click on the program with an icon that looks like this:
Firefox Icon
You should now be seeing a Firefox browser window, assuming that all addons are updated and Firefox-related administrative tasks have been completed. As with all browsers, you can click hyperlinks within currently visible web pages that will (probably) take you to a different page.

Tabbed browsing

Like Notepad++, Firefox uses tabs which allow you to have multiple pages open within one window. Each tab in itself can be considered as a self-contained browsing session.
Firefox Tabs
If more than one tab is available for one window, you can close the tab by pressing Firefox Tab Close, or by going to the File menu and selecting Close Tab. To open a new tab, press Firefox New Tab, or go to the File menu and select New Tab.


Like with Notepad++, familiarize yourself with Firefox's main toolbar. The Firefox toolbar should look something similar to this:
Firefox Toolbar
Here, we will highlight parts of the toolbar that you should know.
  1. Back Back - Go back to the previous page in the session (like Undo).
  2. Forward Forward - Go to the next page in the session (like Redo).
  3. Refresh Refresh - Reloads the current page.
  4. Stop Stop - Stops loading the current page.
  5. Home Home - Navigate to the home page that is currently specified.
  6. Address Bar
    Address Bar - Displays the web address and favicon of the current page as well as any feed or bookmark information. You can also type any web address here to navigate to the page that it refers to.
Knowing these specific toolbar buttons and what they do will be enough to help you make your way around Firefox quickly and efficiently.

Computer radiations effects on humans

Harmful Electrostress from Computers/Laptops

How to Protect Yourself From Computer Radiation and Laptop Computer EMF

Are you reading this on a computer? If you are, then you’re face to face with a potentially dangerous electromagnetic field (EMF) especially to the head and upper body.  . The EMFs generated by your screen and machine could be seriously damaging your health.

The Bad Effects Of Computer Radiation…

We’ll examine the EMF radiation from different types of desktop and laptop computers, what that means for your health, and the SafeSpace products that can protect you while you work, surf and socialize online.

What is Computer Radiation & Where Does it Come From?

CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) screen radiation - If your desktop monitor (or TV) is a few years old and has a deep cabinet, chances are it’s a CRT. CRTs are by far the most dangerous type of screen.
  • Few desktop computers are made with CRT screens anymore (though some video gamers still prefer them).
  • The images produced by CRT screens involve a number of processes, including the front of the tube being scanned downward in a pattern of lines, electron beams “sweeping” an image across the screen by modulating their intensity, a coil generating magnetic field and more.
The Health Dangers of CRTs
  • Small amounts of radiation (x-ray frequencies and others) are emitted as the electrons sweep the screen.
  • At close range, this radiation (literally pulsating fields of energy) puts biological stress on humans, animals and plants.
  • CRTs also operate at an extremely high voltage, which continues on long after the computer has been turned off.
LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display) Screens Radiation - these screens are flatter, often appearing as panels. LCD screens are safer than CRTs.
  • Display is composed of color or monochrome pixels that are filled with liquid crystals.
  • Liquid crystals are lit by a backlight or reflector.
  • LCD screens utilize very small amounts of electric power.

Computer Radiation & Screens - The Health Dangers of LCD Monitors

  • Laptops and desktop computers with LCD screens are significantly safer than CRT screens, but they still emit low levels of radiation—enough to harm your health.
  • It’s more than the screen: all TV sets and computers, no matter what the technology, radiate a relatively strong EMF consisting of 50Hz – 60 Hz and higher.

Computer EMFs and the Radiation Dangers To Your Health

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) don’t only come from your computer screen. The electronics inside your computer generate a powerful EMF.
  • Studies have shown EMF exposure above 2 milligauss (mG) begins to harm biological organisms.
  • Prolonged exposure to higher levels, from 2 mG and above, has been associated with cancer and immune system effects.
  • At 3 feet away, computers typically measure  frommeasure   2mGfrom 2mG to 5 mG.
  • At 4 inches and closer, computers measured from 4mG all the way to 20 mG.
EMF Exposure: The Early Signs
People are spending more and more time in front of computer screens. Early signs of overexposure to EMFs include muscle aches, insomnia, stress,stress and fatigue.
Radiation Exposure: Aging
Radiation exposure at these levels can result in skin “burns,” dry, wrinkled skin and what is known as “photo aging.” 
Electromagnetic Field Exposure Over Time…
Countless epidemiological studies, from The British Medical Journal to the World Health Organization (WHO) to the California Department of Health, have linked EMFs to lymphoma, leukemia, autoimmune system deficiencies, birth defects, tumors, insomnia, heart problems and more.
Negative Effects of Computer Radiation - Laptops
Close proximity of EMFs - It’s been shown that EMF strength decreases with distance. The fact that the laptop is often situated right next to your body means you’re receiving your computer’s radiation at its fullest strength.
Laptop Radiation & Male Infertility - the use of laptops (especially when situated on the lap near the reproductive organs) has been connected to male infertility. (Journal of Human Reproduction). Theories why include the heat from the machine itself on the scrotum, or radiation from the EMF at such a close distance.
YOU Need Laptop Radiation Protection!

Computer Radiation & Screens are Real - Start  Surfing In Safety

SafeSpace provides an number of ways you can protect yourself without retreating to the stone age. We’ve spent years creating technologies to deal with the EMFs and harmful radiation associated with modern technologies.

SafeSpace Solutions And Technologies:

  • Our technologies are imprinted with coded information (frequency-specific energetic signals).
  • This coded information interacts and literally influences  eveninfluences even the most powerful EMFs, transforming them into harmless fields. (See how our technologies work.)
  • Simple and hassle-free to use
  • Proven in studies (See independent laboratory testing.)
  • Highly affordable

Computer languages

Computer programming language, any of various languages for expressing a set of detailed instructions for a digital computer. Such instructions can be executed directly when they are in the computer manufacturer-specific numerical form known as machine language, after a simple substitution process when expressed in a corresponding assembly language, or after translation from some “higher-level”language. Although there are over 2,000 computer languages, relatively few are widely used.
Machine and assembly languages are “low-level,” requiring a programmer to manage explicitly all of a computer’s idiosyncratic features of data storage and operation. In contrast, high-level languages shield a programmer from worrying about such considerations and provide a notation that is more easily written and read by programmers.

Language types

Machine and assembly languages

machine language consists of the numeric codes for the operations that a particular computer can execute directly. The codes are strings of 0s and 1s, or binary digits (“bits”), which are frequently converted both from and to hexadecimal (base 16) for human viewing and modification. Machine language instructions typically use some bits to represent operations, such as addition, and some to represent operands, or perhaps the location of the next instruction. Machine language is difficult to read and write, since it does not resemble conventional mathematical notation or human language, and its codes vary from computer to computer.
Assembly language is one level above machine language. It uses short mnemoniccodes for instructions and allows the programmer to introduce names for blocks of memory that hold data. One might thus write “add pay, total” instead of “0110101100101000” for an instruction that adds two numbers.
Assembly language is designed to be easily translated into machine language. Although blocks of data may be referred to by name instead of by their machineaddresses, assembly language does not provide more sophisticated means of organizing complex information. Like machine language, assembly language requires detailed knowledge of internal computer architecture. It is useful when such details are important, as in programming a computer to interact with input/output devices (printers, scanners, storage devices, and so forth).

Algorithmic languages

Algorithmic languages are designed to express mathematical or symbolic computations. They can express algebraic operations in notation similar to mathematics and allow the use of subprograms that package commonly used operations for reuse. They were the first high-level languages.

The Invention of Internet...

Unlike technologies such as the light bulb or the telephone, the Internet has no single “inventor.” Instead, it has evolved over time. The Internet got its start in the United States more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. For years, scientists and researchers used it to communicate and share data with one another. Today, we use the Internet for almost everything, and for many people it would be impossible to imagine life without it.
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world’s first manmade satellite into orbit. The satellite, known as Sputnik, did not do much: It tumbled aimlessly around in outer space, sending blips and bleeps from its radio transmitters as it circled the Earth. Still, to many Americans, the beach-ball-sized Sputnik was proof of something alarming: While the brightest scientists and engineers in the United States had been designing bigger cars and better television sets, it seemed, the Soviets had been focusing on less frivolous things—and they were going to win the Cold War because of it.
After Sputnik’s launch, many Americans began to think more seriously about science and technology. Schools added courses on subjects like chemistry, physics and calculus. Corporations took government grants and invested them in scientific research and development. And the federal government itself formed new agencies, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), to develop space-age technologies such as rockets, weapons and computers.
Scientists and military experts were especially concerned about what might happen in the event of a Soviet attack on the nation’s telephone system. Just one missile, they feared, could destroy the whole network of lines and wires that made efficient long-distance communication possible. In 1962, a scientist from M.I.T. and ARPA named J.C.R. Licklider proposed a solution to this problem: a “galactic network” of computers that could talk to one another. Such a network would enable government leaders to communicate even if the Soviets destroyed the telephone system.
In 1965, another M.I.T. scientist developed a way of sending information from one computer to another that he called “packet switching.” Packet switching breaks data down into blocks, or packets, before sending it to its destination. That way, each packet can take its own route from place to place. Without packet switching, the government’s computer network—now known as the ARPAnet—would have been just as vulnerable to enemy attacks as the phone system.
In 1969, ARPAnet delivered its first message: a “node-to-node” communication from one computer to another. (The first computer was located in a research lab at UCLA and the second was at Stanford; each one was the size of a small house.) The message—“LOGIN”—was short and simple, but it crashed the fledgling ARPA network anyway: The Stanford computer only received the note’s first two letters.
By the end of 1969, just four computers were connected to the ARPAnet, but the network grew steadily during the 1970s. In 1971, it added the University of Hawaii’s ALOHAnet, and two years later it added networks at London’s University College and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway. As packet-switched computer networks multiplied, however, it became more difficult for them to integrate into a single worldwide “Internet.”
By the end of the 1970s, a computer scientist named Vinton Cerf had begun to solve this problem by developing a way for all of the computers on all of the world’s mini-networks to communicate with one another. He called his invention “Transmission Control Protocol,” or TCP. (Later, he added an additional protocol, known as “Internet Protocol.” The acronym we use to refer to these today is TCP/IP.) One writer describes Cerf’s protocol as “the ‘handshake’ that introduces distant and different computers to each other in a virtual space.”
Cerf’s protocol transformed the Internet into a worldwide network. Throughout the 1980s, researchers and scientists used it to send files and data from one computer to another. However, in 1991 the Internet changed again. That year, a computer programmer in Switzerland named Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web: an Internet that was not simply a way to send files from one place to another but was itself a “web” of information that anyone on the Internet could retrieve. Berners-Lee created the Internet that we know today.
Since then, the Internet has changed in many ways. In 1992, a group of students and researchers at the University of Illinois developed a sophisticated browser that they called Mosaic. (It later became Netscape.) Mosaic offered a user-friendly way to search the Web: It allowed users to see words and pictures on the same page for the first time and to navigate using scrollbars and clickable links. That same year, Congress decided that the Web could be used for commercial purposes. As a result, companies of all kinds hurried to set up websites of their own, and e-commerce entrepreneurs began to use the Internet to sell goods directly to customers. More recently, social networking sites like Facebook have become a popular way for people of all ages to stay connected.

Internet is blessing or curse..????

Is Internet A Blessing Or A Curse?

What is Internet? It is a tool, which can link up all the people around the world, or we can say that it is a net that we can’t see. Internet brings us a lot of convenience; people depend on it very much nowadays. But as we know, it also can act as a weapon. Is it a blessing or a curse?

Whichever it may be the internet has proved it self very helpful tool in many ways, it has opened a gateway for people; it made it possible for us to communicate with people from the other side of the world. Allowing us to meet new people and discover new places even though we are not there. The internet is easily accessible to everyone because it is inexpensive and can be afforded by most.

While some consider it as a blessing others regard it as a curse, because the internet like everything else in the world has a good and a bad side to it. The one of the main reasons that many people blame is that there is no sense of censorship in the world of the internet. 

Without censorship many things spin out of control. People start using the internet as a method of spying rather than a manner of communication they abuse this blessing by placing information or data that is unacceptable such as hacking, others may use it for fraud or theft. When these actions are committed they are considered a as a form of crime, and like all other crimes they are intolerable by society.

A student no longer needs to spend long hours in libraries searching for a desired piece of information. A web search engine can provide the needed material just at a click of a button and no matter which remote corner of the world you are in, the Internet will keep you side by side of the latest developments in your area of interest. 

As with every new technology there are those who speak high of the Internet and there are those who portray it in an unfavorable source of knowledge. And as with other new technologies there is nothing wrong with the Internet itself. It is we who are to decide whether the internet is a curse or a blessing.

Internet search engine

The good news about the Internet and its most visible component, the World Wide Web, is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, waiting to present information on an amazing variety of topics. The bad news about the Internet is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, most of them titled according to the whim of their author, almost all of them sitting on servers with cryptic names. When you need to know about a particular subject, how do you know which pages to read? If you're like most people, you visit an Internet search engine.
Internet search engines are special sites on the Web that are designed to help people find information stored on other sites. There are differences in the ways various search engines work, but they all perform three basic tasks:
  • They search the Internet -- or select pieces of the Internet -- based on important words.
  • They keep an index of the words they find, and where they find them.
  • They allow users to look for words or combinations of words found in that index.
Early search engines held an index of a few hundred thousand pages and documents, and received maybe one or two thousand inquiries each day. Today, a top search engine will index hundreds of millions of pages, and respond to tens of millions of queries per day. In this article, we'll tell you how these major tasks are performed, and how Internet search engines put the pieces together in order to let you find the information you need on the Web.

Microphone computers

1. Audio-Technica AT2020: £125,
Audio Technica AT.jpg
The USB version of Audio-Technica’s well-loved microphone, this is a versatile piece of kit. Its wide frequency response means that it can pick up high and low sounds with huge clarity and its rugged construction makes it a solid portable option.

2. Apogee MiC 96K: £189,
Apogee MiC 96K.jpg
Sending out super-high-quality sound, this is a perfect way to record anything you need to, quickly, and is clever and well built to ensure that it’ll always sound great. It’ll plug straight into youriPhone or iPad, as well as your Mac.

3. Blue Microphones Snowball: £54,
Blue Microphones Snow.jpg
This microphone’s spherical box captures an equally round sound – ideal for recording just for a podcast, or a whole band. It sounds great, looks distinctive and easily connects with Macs or PCs through their USB ports. With the right connectors, it can also plug into an iPad or iPhone.

4. Shure PG 27: £149,
Shure PG 27.jpg
Shure’s microphones are the stuff of music legend – they’re standard issue at gigs and in recording studios – and this puts its best condenser mic engineering into something that will plug straight into your computer’s USB ports.

5. Blue Microphones Yeti: £99.95,
Blue Microphones.jpg
The Yeti’s eye-catching body hides some brilliant technology. The quality of its sound makes it good for voice-overs, podcasting and music recording – special modes let it work differently if it’s recording a big group or just one voice. It’s bigger than some competitors but if you’re staying in and need high-quality audio, this will do the job wonderfully.

6. Sennheiser PC 363D: £209.99,
Sennheiser PC 363.jpg
This packs in much of Sennheiser’s best audio technology – like virtual surround sound – and sticks a great microphone on the front. Perfect for gaming, where you’ll be able to hear and shout at people with crystal clarity.

7. Samson Meteor: £55.56,
Samson Meteor.jpg
This will slot into your bag, so you can record when out and about. When you fold out its collapsible legs and put it on the desk, the sound is great. The broad frequency response means that it’ll pick up voices, bass instruments and shrieking equally well.

8. Sennheiser PC 8 USB: £34.99,
Sennheiser PC 8 U.jpg
This is a simple headset, meant mostly for talking to people over the internet. As such, it’s not one recording but it’s perfect for having a chat in noisy places or if you Skype regularly. If you’re on a budget, there’s a cheaper version with just the one ear cup.

9. Samson UB1: £70,
Samson UB1.jpg
This small, round microphone is specially built to pick up whatever’s going on around it. As such, if you’re looking to record a panel, a conference meeting or just a discussion between a few people, this will pick it all up.

10. Plantronics Audio 300 Microphone: £8.20,
Plantronics Audio.jpg
If you’re looking for a traditional style, now slightly retro, computer mic, this is the one. Mounted on a long stick for easily adjusting to wherever is most comfortable to talk into, this connects into your computer’s microphone input and has noise cancelling so that it won’t pick up too much unwanted sound.